Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Connect the body Sha be shot of two to inside constringency

general weapon, twos aren,t general, big not christian louboutin on sale general.Han Xiao is understand, martial arts boxing, beat at connect body Sha body up, is a Nao Yang.Hey Hey, the tiger boxing doesn,t go, I also Fu tiger boxing, the 14th recruits:The double thunder splits a tiger."Bomb Long" strong offensive, a Zhang splits to connect body Sha to in the center connect body part, another Zhang is the head of his left side.The mountain peaks can split to pour, besides meat body.Han Xiao thinks very goodly, can on keeping on recruiting, connect the body Sha be shot of two to inside constringency, don,t get hurt.Blare ah, this beast is indeed as expected outstanding, still use to work properly treasure and magic trick to tidy up him.Again but three of be beaten in, stir up connect all untamed natures of body Sha, he disregard of turn round, two wide absolute being arrowses in the clout a target, sting go into double head respectively left eye, another two shoot in the stone wall.Don,t arrive arrows feather.Han Xiao lays up wide absolute being Nu, what to replace is Qian Yuan to present to of gold smoke sword, one Wang gold color torrent current, the sword body glory flows to turn not certain, the extraordinary effect of this sword lies in adsorb the hostile sends out of innate intelligence.A sword stabs, the sword light divides water and order a cold star to surround connect body Sha.Connect body Sha double arrows in eyes, but still have two eyes, so Be just ache, not influence discover a target, the super big mouth bites toward the purple smoke sword.Han Xiao isn,t a prodigal son, how could make him succeed, connect body Sha don,t brush teeth for several a hundred years, the foul smell is matchless, the gold smoke sword will be polluted.Han Xiao really the effort in water is outstanding, but far far not equal to connect body Sha, he after all is several a hundred years living in the bad fish of water.To, soon fight soon definitely.Han Xiao Diao lives gold smoke sword, and then projects two wide absolute being arrowses, ratio last time those four strength big 100%, still shoot connect eyes of body Sha.This didn,t use an old way, but hid wide absolute being arrows.Can the thing of fairy house how could and easily stay away, the wide absolute being arrows changed a direction.Connecting body Sha can,t, open a big mouth, part a , the Diao lives wide absolute being arrows, once the head jilt and shoot the time to the wide absolute being arrows.Han

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